Saturday, June 1, 2024

Reality Facts Confession Proven No Myth The Full Truth Facts About Uadreams Here

Info below updated 2024-06-27 time 23:32 scroll down:

(Also if you been victim of other types of scams of investment crypto scams etc help is added below at bottom of this website, as it is possible to recover your funds even in these cases sometimes.)

The reality of Uadreams Krystyna is decieved. 2024 Uadreams is a exposed scam.

Yes Ukrainian girl Krystyna all scam agency date sites will when you interview them lie to your face and tell you they are honest... They are anything but honest they are scammers it is no myth Krystyna it is pure facts proven they are scammers no doubt about it!

It is true Uadream main office do not pay their scam agency girls, but Uadreams local agencies in Ukraine and Russia etc do pay their Agency girls.

All is confessed under 2024 by the Uadreams Agency girls themselves and Uadreams scam translators workers themselves below so wake up Everyone and Krystyna stop mislead the western men!!!

Listen All Pay Per Letter Pay Per Chat Minute and Fake Live Video NO Audio is fake agency date scams sites more info here:

Truth exposed about Uadreams here 2024 Click Here:

The truth about these scam pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio is these scam agencies scam date sites pay girls to talk with you pay girls to meet you and even pay girls to sleep have sex with you as these scam date agencies is involved in escort services.
More info about this from PI Private Investigator Eugene in Ukraine very honest worked in this field for many years helped 1000s clients Worldwide on how not to be scammed and avoid the many online date scams out there etc.
Also Ukrainian Police warns about agency date scams sites as Uadreams and 1000s alike scroll down in this link and you find the info click here.

These scam agency girls is mostly intrested in what they can get from a man money and material things not true love. 

Listen All Pay Per Letter Pay Per Chat Minute and Fake Live Video NO Audio is fake agency date scams sites:

Scroll down new info added below 27 screenshots very hard evidence added below:

"All girls in Ukraine, Russia, Crimea knows basic English no need for scammy translation fee services, according to Ukrainian investigators." Source Trustpilot and important Sitejabber.

Again Listen All Pay Per Letter Pay Per Chat Minute and Fake Live Video NO Audio is fake agency date scams sites:

All Uadreams scam agency girls joined scam date agency by Job Ad (they also post these scam job ads at Same Applies to All agency date scam sites Pay Per Letter Pay Per Chat Minute Fake Live Video No Audio scam agency date sites:

"Teemu says:

It is a scam. UADreams pays to the girls. Look a these “ads” from their Simrefopol office from year 2013 [1,2,3]. That office got shut down after Russian annexation of Crimea in year 2014 [4].
Anyways at their page [1,3] is a message cointaining this sentence: “В нашем международном агенстве знакомств, девушки не только знакомятся с интересными и состоятельными людьми, а также зарабатывают деньги, получают множество подарков,бесплатные фотографии и много путешествуют.” You can put it to google translate, but main point of that message is: “а также зарабатывают деньги” – You also earn money.
Same thing is repeated at their website [2]. There is message saying: “Милые девушки,приглашаем Вас в наше агенство знакомств с иностранцами. Предлагаем НОВЫЕ ЗНАКОМСТВА и ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ДОХОД!” Please put that to google translate too. Main point of that message is: Предлагаем ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ДОХОД! – We offer ADDITIONAL INCOME.
So what does these messages mean? It means that GIRLS IN UADREAMS ARE PAID. When agency pays to girls, how you can be sure that the girls are intrested about you over the money they recieve from communicating with you? Personally I wont recommend using this dating site, nor any of dating sites where you have to pay from each message.
— References —
[1] UADreams Simrefopol site:
[2] UADreams Simrefopol site:
[3] UADreams Simrefopol site in a web archive (just in case they delete that profile):
[4] Closure message of Simrefopol branch in UADreams site: https://www.uadreams . com/branches/simferopol.html"

Kremenchuk office is a scam as for all offices of this agency Uadreams.

Found a page on VKontakte

Message posted on board by Natalia Zavadskaia ex translator from Kremenchuk office.

You can search for it by clicking on other information that is under number of follower page.

Брак с иностранцем – реально ли это?

Реально! Наше брачное агентство поможет вам в этом, у нас вы сможете познакомиться с иностранцем и устроить свою личную жизнь за границей.

Дело в том, что, например, американские мужчины (по статистике, около половины американцев не обременены семейными узами)

в большинстве своем мечтают о тихом семейном счастье, о домашнем уюте, о жене, ориентированной на семью и воспитание детей.

Русская женщина на их взгляд, в этом отношение, близка к их идеалу.

В настоящее время cотни девушек и женщин выходят замуж за иностранцев и уезжают за границу используя международные брачные агенства.

Безопасность клиентов. Мы не помещаем контактные данные девушек в Интернете,

это конфиденциальная информация и она используется только внутри агентства.

Переписка ведется через наше агентство, поэтому попадание к Вам писем оскорбительного либо несерьезного содержания совершенно исключено.

Услуги оплачивают сами мужчины – поэтому среди наших клиентов-мужчин только люди, настроенные на серьезные длительные отношения и брак.

Никаких «дружбы, путешествий, проведения отпуска с приятной девушкой» и т.п. Этим занимаются бесплатные сайты знакомств,

у нас же совершенно другие цели. Платные услуги для мужчин также гарантия того, что по сайту

с фотографиями не будут бесцельно блуждать случайные посетители, только те, у кого есть конкретная цель –

познакомиться с девушкой для создания семьи.


*******Mилые девушки предоставляем отличную возможность ,получить дополнительный доход, без интима,без всяких обязательств ,

общение с иностранцами. Знание английского не обязательно (но приветствуется).Для девушек все услуги бесплатны.******


Marriage with a foreigner – is it real?

Really! Our marriage agency will help you with this; here you can meet a foreigner and arrange your personal life abroad.

The fact is that, for example, American men (according to statistics, about half of Americans are not burdened with family ties)

Most people dream of quiet family happiness, home comfort, and a wife who is family-oriented and raising children.

A Russian woman, in their opinion, in this regard, is close to their ideal.

Currently, hundreds of girls and women marry foreigners and go abroad using international marriage agencies.

Customer safety. We do not place contact details of girls on the Internet,

This is confidential information and is used only within the agency.

Correspondence is conducted through our agency, so it is completely impossible for you to receive letters of offensive or frivolous content.

The services are paid for by the men themselves – therefore, among our male clients there are only people who are committed to serious, long-term relationships and marriage.

No “friendship, travel, vacation with a nice girl,” etc. This is what free dating sites do,

We have completely different goals. Paid services for men also guarantee that the site

Random visitors will not wander aimlessly with photographs, only those who have a specific goal –

meet a girl to start a family.


*******Dear girls, WE PROVIDE AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO EARN ADDITIONAL INCOME, without sex, without any obligations,

communication with foreigners. Knowledge of English is not required (but is encouraged). For girls, all services are free.*******

All girls get additional income. I notice same ladies online same time each day making good $money$


Uadreams agency scam and other pay per letter agency pay per minute chat live fake video no audio scam date sites, their local agencies in Ukraine and Russia and elsewhere worldwide scam agencies companies actually searches for these working girls through vk and

The scam agency girls of pay per letter scam agency sites as uadreams and 1000 alikes:

"They (scam agency girls pay per letter date scam sites live video no audio) are in the agency just to work, and the company actually searches for these working girls through vk and, and girls them selves do not search for marriage agencies."

Warns about Uadreams:


This site is a SCAM, RUN away.

A woman that is was on your site writes to me and is now here in Canada. We have seen one another numerous times. I help her navigate through our Canadian immigration policies and procedures.

She stated that Uadreams is a site where for every paying customer that they bring on to the site, there is a commission that is given to the ladies.

With letters that are from translators, she has no idea who she was actually seeing on the receiving end of the letter. So very deceitful on the part of UA Dreams. They take your heart and your money.


This represent how the scam agency date sites like Uadreams works and all scam pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio agency date scam sites work exist 1000s of them:

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

29 june 2015
I already have an expensive cell phone and notebook so no need to have another but I might tell you I need you to send me some money so we can communicate. " 

(Never ever send money to anyone you not meet face to face only if you know the girl face to face for years very well exception, but even in these cases best not to send money.)

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

29 june 2015
I was on profile 140713 but I removed it when I was scamming a guy from Canada. Made a boatload off him"

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

28 june 2015
I am a real person, in fact I meet men and spend a week with them in Odessa tell them how much I want to get married and use them for money.
Well I don't tell them that I am just scamming them for money but they figure it out eventually and I move on to the next sucker, maybe you?"

"Ekaterina Kravchuk 28 june 2015

My VK profile is I go by Katerina Belova on VK so men talking to me on Dating sites cannot find me on VK
You will need to create an account on VK to see my profile."

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

28 june 2015
I am also on many many other dating sites. I run a small marriage agency where girls get paid to talk to men from other countries for money. They will even meet the men sometimes and in fact that is when they make a lot of money in a short time."

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

28 june 2015
I can speak fluent English but if I talk to you online I will tell you I am not able to so when you come to Ukraine you will have to pay for a translator."

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

28 june 2015
You can also find me on at"

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

28 june 2015
My Skype id is lama693 and I am on as LAMA693"

"Ekaterina Kravchuk 28 june 2015 Here is me on

"Ekaterina Kravchuk

 28 june 2015
I have many profiles on many dating sites and if you come to Ukraine to see me I will get you to spend lots of money on me and give you nothing in return." "

More details about how Uadreams scam work and all fake Ukrainian and Russian agency date scams pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio agency scam date sites works here in detail:

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 1

Correct video added now in Part 2 this video is completely new: 

Top 10 Incredible Scam Techniques on Ukrainian Dating Sites. # 2

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 3:

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 4:

We recommend Joe honest Matchmaker Match Guaranty however we do not at all agree with his expensive prices however Joe Matchmaker is the most honest best matchmaker in Ukraine.

We believe love shall be free of charge or close to it so find better honest low cost monthly sites with good online reputation instead all included free unlimited letters and chats and exchange direct free contacts allowed. 

Again More details about how Uadreams scam work and all fake Ukrainian and Russian agency date scams pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio agency scam date sites works here in detail:

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 1

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 2

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 3

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 4

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 5

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 6

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 7

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 8

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 9

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 10

Online romance scams of Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage sites. # 11

Uadreams scam exposed communication completely fake and live video chat completely faked done by impersonating agency scam translators:


5 month ago

One lady in Kiev which is friend to my son just revealed now in June 2021 that she is payed around 300 dollar per month to just appear in front of camera. She did not need to talk even. The translator did all job!!!! I have to laugh!!!"

My friends given us these many strong evidences from inside Uadreams scam:

Same fake communication is happening in all scam pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio scam agency date sites exist 1000s of these scam agency date sites Uadreams is just one of them:

Communication fake done by translator of Uadreams agency scam and not by real girl:

second 0.00 frist man in the videochat with orange tshirt

second 0.04 second man in the videochat with black tshirt




Click Here (to start video click play on Google Drive video evidence.)

Again my friends given us these many strong evidences from inside Uadreams scam:

So when the many 1000s pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio scam agency date sites main sites say we do not pay our agency girls they are telling you the truth in a sence.
They do not pay their agency girls, but their local agencies they work with do pay their agency girls.

Main agency date scam sites do not pay their agency girls, but the local agencies they work with in Ukraine or Russia or elsewhere in the World do pay their agency girls.

Same fake communication and agency girls gets paid for letters for chats for gifts for meetings by local agencies in Ukraine or Russia or elsewhere in world, is happening in all scam pay per letter chat per minute fake live video no audio scam agency date sites.Exist 1000s of these scam agency date sites Uadreams is just one of them:

Truth exposed about Uadreams here 2024 here in 27 screenshots confessed by Uadreams agency scam girls:

Part 1: 

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

 Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15:
Part 16:
Part 17:
Part 18:
Part 19:
Part 20:
Part 21:
Part 22:
Part 23:
Part 24:
Part 25:
Part 26:
Part 27:

Truth exposed about Uadreams here 2024:

Click on Google drive link and then click in right upper corner on download icon and you get the file downloaded in this files all screenshots exposing uadreams complete agency scam:

Truth exposed about Uadreams here 2024 :

New screenshoots from my friends:

"she was paid from 300 to 500 euro per month to chat with 6 guys almost each day"

Truth exposed about Uadreams here 2024:

Part 1:

And Part 2:

And Part 3:

This is exposed facts about Uadreams scam 2024 from my friends:

This applies all not just Uadreams but all fake pay per letter date scam agency sites and pay per chat minute live video no audio scam date agency sites, they basically all work scam the same ways :

In other words what do you pay for in these scam agency pay per letter fake live video no audio scam agency date sites, you pay only to be scammed as nothing 0 is real it is all a big lie and a scam as you get nothing real by it.

In those cases less then 0,0000000000001 percent cases like none existant cases:

If a marriage happends in these scam agencies date sites pay per letter sites not a true marriage based on true love will happend, but based on what she can trick you of in money and material things what can you expect:

Big warnings of uadreams and their scam agency girls not even after marriage uadreams agency scam girls is true and honest, this guy is also young:

I married someone from this agency. My wife was not aware of most of the letters she had written or the photos she had sent. This is what the translators do. So what are he is saying is totally true. As for me my wife treated me like a bank ATM and we got divorced but we still talk" 

All with gifts prices is fraud also in these 1000 scam date agencies sites pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio sites. As in real life in Ukraine these gifts cost 5 times less then in these scam agencies date sites pay per letter. Also girls do not get the gifts, but money the gifts is taken photo of with the girl then gift returned to store in Ukraine or Russia etc and agency scam girl get then money.

All Uadreams Agency Scam girls only came to work getting paid for letters for chats for gifts for meetings for resturant scams and for translation scams etc by responding to a job ad by local agencies in Ukraine or Russia etc none of them is looking for love.
All with Uadreams is a big Scam and Completely untrue. Same applies all scam agencies date sites of pay per letter pay per chat minute live video fake no audio scam agency date sites. 

All positive reviews is fake on all these 1000s agency date scam pay per letter live video no audio scam date sites.

All positive reviews is fake on sitejabber Trustpilot etc is written by Uadreams scam agency themselves to bump down the true negative reviews written by real people who got scammed by Uadreams and the other alike thousends scam date agencies pay per letter sites with live fake video no audio.
Same scam tactics applies to all agency date scam sites pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio scam agency date sites.

Below to protect the confessing Uadreams agency scam girls Identity their IDs in Uadreams Agency has been removed or else Uadreams local Agencies will hurt them for confessing the truth about this scam: 

"It has been brought to my attention…UaDreams is a SCAM!!
It has been brought to my attention that UaDreams pays these models to communicate with men from around the world. I know this to be true as UaDreams parent company has posted advertisements for "paid models".

Ironically, all the people under "Just married" are paid actors and actresses. There is not one single lady that was on UaDreams website "looking for love".

This has been verified by the following ladies:
Olya as we have extended our communication via Instagram & VK.

Ulyana (left UaDreams) as we have extended our communication via Facebook & VK.

Anastasia (left UaDreams) as I met her in Mykolaiv, along with continuing our conversation on Viber.

Anna as we have extended our communication via Facebook.

They all admitted the only reason the ladies are on the site it to get paid to talk to men. Many ladies have boyfriends or husbands but need to make extra money so they get paid to model for

I am glad these ladies finally had the courage to tell me the truth after all this time! "

Truth exposed about Uadreams here 2024:

"I was lucky to communicate to a translator that is actually working for uadreams.
Through a PI which provides consultation services for American men from not being victims of romance scam. They told me that such PI agencies in Ukraine hire translators from several dating website in order to learn new scam techniques. I have made up a list of questions and I paid the translator 50 dollars for these answers.

Q.1 How ladies join uadreams ?

A.Same procedure as with many dating agencies. Uadreams manager, not translator, has to have a meeting with lady either in the office or online before joining to explain how everything works.
They also sign agreement, but agreement stays with the agency, there is no second copy for the girl. In that agreement it is stated that girl should not disclose any information about her relationships between agency and her.
They join agencies by word of mouth, by recommendation. Ads are not needed and sometimes such ads are not very legal in Ukraine.

Q.2 Ladies are found on other websites. Is a translator that create these profiles on site such as Russiancupid, My Parterforever, CuteOnly ..? Is a lady aware of these profiles ?

A.No, technical department of agency is responsible for that.

Q.3 How much money a lady makes from letters, video chat, gifts, meetings and photosessions ?

A.It depends on popularity of a girl’s profile. New profiles earn 25% of what man spends for video chatting. Photosessions are free for girls and agency does not pay anything for photosessions.

If profile is popular, girl is paid up to 45% from what man spends on videochats.
Difficult to say how much lady earns in a week as everything depends on popularity of account. Translator with whom we work does not want to say how much she earns from uadreams , but says most girls earn 1,000 USD to 1,500 USD per month whose profile is somewhere close to middle popularity on average and who spend online about 20 nights per month. However some accounts earn more than 3,000 USD per month.

Q.4 Are girls paid in cash or by bank account ?

A.Depends on where lady lives. If there is a representative office in the city where girl lives – payment can be made in cash once per month,if there is no office – lady will be paid as a transaction on her bank card 2 times per month if lady’s profile is popular or once each month if profile is not popular.

Q.5 During a meeting ladies did not know anything about any topic discussed in the letters. Can a translator manipulate video chat and letters ?

A.That’s because letters are almost never answered by ladies. Operators who are on outsource answer those letters.
Girls are not aware of those answers. That is why they are unaware of topics discussed between clients and operators who are in Pakistan or in India.

Q.6 What are the consequences for a lady if admits she gets paid ?

A.Ladies sign an agreement where it says it is prohibited to disclose any info between her work with agency. They have some strict rules such as they will bring that lady to court or something.

Q.7 OK there is an agreement. Do you have a copy of it ?

A.No, such contract is signed in one copy which stays with the agency. Ladies do not have a copy of it.
Agency does not give out a copy of agreement to girls nor to translators. It is signed in 1 copy which is left for the agency. No way to get it easily.

Q.8 Do lady have to play a script during a meeting ? Are they pressed to use video chat even if they are not interested to a man ?

A.They do not have to do that, no script is necessary either. But everybody chats usually because they are getting paid for each video chat from 25% to 45% what man pays to an agency.

Q.9 Could you list rules and obligations that a lady is asked to follow ?

A.There are no rules nor obligations except to be kind to everyone and keep clients chatting and engaging with agency as often as possible.

Q.10 Is a translator or ladies that launch video chat? Do you use a bot software?

A.Lady or translator can launch videochat. They both have possibility to do it from their accounts. Not aware of bot software.

Q.11 Ladies chat with multiple men. Can ladies block a man from not seeing them online video chat ?

A.Yes, it is possible to block and unblock men’s profiles by ladies from their accounts.

Q.12 Is possibile to quantify number of men that are invited just by reading a range time video chat ?
I.e. If a lady is gonna be online from 8.00am to 9.00am is for one man? Gonna be online from 8.00am to 10.00am is for two men?

A.Not possible to estimate as sometimes there may be 10 or more men invited especially during weekends.

Q.13 The wording ‘online in 1 hour’ is when lady has invited a guy or if she has just scheduled to be online without inviting anyone ?

A.Many men are invited automatically by special software from Web site. Sometimes it invites randomly men from all over the world.
Usually ladies just log online and wait for men to start chatting. Many girls including translator,
who has a profile on uadreams just log on and stay there most of the night logged in (Ukrainian time).

Q.14 Is a translator that set ‘free chat’ mode or ‘paid one’ for a lady’s account ?

A.No, managers of agency do that and lady may do it herself from her account.

Q.15 What is the difference between an operator and a translator ?

A.Operators are based outside of Ukraine and usually answer letters. She is not sure if they are in India, Pakistan or elsewhere.
Translators discusses with girls when they want to chat and coordinate time of chat with translator.
Translators do not answer letters usually, only to confirm to client desired date and time of videochat.

Q.16 What is the website that ladies use to login ?

A.Translator told us that ladies log on through the same Web site – .
They just have their own interface to chat with men, but logging in is through main Web site – .

There has been much speculations and doubts about the legitimacy of this agency over years.
uadreams is a scam agency.
Feel free to share this post to all platforms over the Internet."

2024 Who do actually the communication on scam sites as Uadreams is it the real girls if not who? Same evil applies to all agency scam date sites pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio a friend tells the full truth here :

"Girls do not answer your letter, it's the translator to have control of their profile, translator send photos and write letters of behalf of ladies, usually they keep in touch by telegram or calls, they decide together what to write back but notice that most of infos, sexy, nice sentences are from translator, it's strategy to pump your ego and incentivize you to pay more and more. 

Girls are paid 0,80 cent $$ for each letter and 6dollars$ for each hour of chat with a man, but is uadreams that decide % based on girls, branch and so on. Plus additional $$$ are given from meetings, video and photos you accept. I can send fresh conversation evidences from ladies chatting with men that were under contract with uadreams"

2024 Again More details about how Uadreams scam work and all fake Ukrainian and Russian agency scams pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio works here in detail see the comments at quora about this:

Also here more info:

Also more info here:

Also scroll down in this link more info:

Also more info here:

Also study this:

We do not recommend Elenas Models they were only great in past before the reform: (Avoid all scammy ads about J4l Jump for love is a big scam site avoid reviews that advertise j4l in short links at reviews.)

You can read more about Elenas Models Click Here Scroll down there and you find it.

We said this on reddit:

"Hello S you mean well but why are you recommending a scam site? Women are paid to be intrested in you and paid to meet you at their socials meetings. They are only motivated by money if a marriage occure it will be more they stay with you love you for your money and material things not true love or soul connection. Agency girls pay per letter cannot be trusted ever. (only internationalcupid is honest good of their recommends but still you have to sort away the scammers never ever send money to anyone if they ask block them. wanna help a country use well known help organisations avoid pay per letter sites scam agency date sites.)

"This business is a scam. They offer you introductions to women through writing letter and photos through their site. They charge for every communication each way. Every letter comes with multiple photos of the women which you also pay for. When I asked the women to prove that they were who I was communicating with by providing a whatsapp number for free video chats. I was told to keep writing letters and paying for the letters without them providing any proof. These women may be part of the scam or not be real at all. Keep the hamster on the wheel while they drain the wallet. A total fraud. You never find out who you actually communicated with. When you try to contact customer service you get transferred to voicemail. Voicemail messages are never returned. This business should be closed."
Honest good dating site monthly low cost International cupid very good but if a girls ask for money block her never send money ever to anyone u never meet to be even safer never send money to anyone period even if u know them face to face wanna help ukraine use known help organisations .
Good honest site where people can find real honest girls for marriage:
They recommend honest sites avoid ashley avoid eharmony not honest or good but scammy. It is weird datingspot 24 recommends scam sites usually they spot on:
Avoid ashley site scam weird name avoid mediums also but good warning about ashley scam site:

Joe Matchmaker M
atchguaranty site very honest and very good in Ukraine etc however some things must be adressed:

1 hour ago
Joe you have a good place honest, but u wrong no girl is out any guys league . Who are anyone to decide what a guy cannot get.

1 hour ago
It is about soul connection not age and be in a honest date place anything can then happend.

1 hour ago
I know 1000s of ukrainian and russian girls Joe more then you know in your match service they do not agree at all with your videos concerning age gap.

1 hour ago
I know several poor men married engaged to young ukrainian russian model girls with an age gap of over 35 years. they are happy as the model girls love them for them and not for money.

1 hour ago
Joe try to leave the actually dating to the couples it is between them and God not you and your team making video series about billy is wrong.

1 hour ago
Billy can get a model young girl he can get any young model girl if he believes it. Billy looks more then ok even thow I only love girls.

1 hour ago (edited)
yes Joe u matching but u interfere way to much saying things which is not true and prices is way to much. I can help guys get young model girls for life almost for free.

1 hour ago
except these things your service is good and honest.

1 hour ago (edited)
be blessed Joe but it exist no such thing any guy can get any model young girl he wants aslong as he believes it and get soul connection . anything is possible for  the one who believes it period said by God aswell in Bible.

56 minutes ago
stop making excuses for agency girls all know in ukraine and russia working for agencies is illegal. the blame is 100 percent joe on the girls doing this no quastion about it.

51 minutes ago
yes overall guys more honest when it comes to dating then girls as girls involved in agencies etc.

32 minutes ago
many girls out of honest guys league because they are not dating honestly

16 minutes ago
girls start dating honestly no untrue agency exist problem solved

14 minutes ago
beeing poor gives girls no right to trick guys

10 minutes ago
human value girls not above men

7 minutes ago
when girls identity is taken without her knowing only in those rare cases girls totally innocent

6 minutes ago
overall joe match service best most honest in ukraine except things mentioned

16 seconds ago
Mark 9 : 23 "If you can ? said Jesus. Everything is possible for one who believes."

3 days ago
I fully support any age difference aslong as both is adults the same does God period "

I end with this about this:

Agency Scam Girls that refuse leave Agency scam date pay per letter live video no audio date site scam agencies and talk free of charge in free direect contacts are no angels important video: Click Here.

Summery never ever trust any agency scam girl that refuse leave agency and that refuse talking with you free of charge in free direct contacts as she is a scammer.

Avoid run away from all these agencies date scams sites:

Uadreams agency scam sites and all fake Ukrainian and Russian agencies scams pay per letter pay per chat minute fake live video no audio scam agencies date sites.

All blame guilt naive is on scam agency girls and agency scam workers such as agency scam translators and agencies scammers and their scam date agencies scam sites as Uadreams and the 1000s scam agency date sites alike.
No blame guilt or naive is on the western guys they are victims innocent in all of this.
This is also so according to honest Police Law Worldwide victims of crimes is always innocent in this case the western guys.

How to proceed with chargeback let this website load and also if needed verify you are human; easy step after that the website will load. Very good legit honest website:

Contact your Visa card or bank to try to get a chargeback to get your all your money back.
You can use any info here from this Blogg to prove to them it is a full scam all this with pay per letter pay per chat minute live video fake no audio agency scam date sites.
These date scams hurt millions of western men worldwide in loss of money and time and in emotions feelings etc.
Only Christ can cure your emotions heart feelings soul we keep you in our prayers.

If you need help in other types of scams as investment scam crypto or been scammed by individual date scammer look here:


6 days ago
Crypto scam investment WRS helped me
Well doubtful i saw their name comes up on google for help with scam investments!
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This also good in personal approach however the one above u only pay if successful recovery it seams so wrs is better in that case but in personal approach colder.

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Jun 22, 2023
Crypto currency payment scam 
I contacted CNC because I suspect I have been a victim of a complex romance scam involving my desire to reach a celebrity. I am new to the process and want CNC to identify the crypto currency wallet owner to confirm that I have been victim of a scam. I am just beginning the process and will keep you posted on my progress with CNC. Jonathan Assis has been very helpful in onboarding me with CNC."
However understand it is very hard to recover lost scammed crypto funds but there is a possibility.

God bless all stay safe.

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